Kohdi is a liver failure survivor that struggled with a 24 year drinking career. After spending 16 years as a celebrity DJ he found himself deep in the grips of alcohol.

His life began to end on July 11, 2017 when he woke up with bright yellow skin and eyes. Shortly after, he began throwing up blood as the paramedics arrived.

Immediately, he was rushed into surgery where they sewed up two veins in his throat that had slowly filled his stomach with blood. Due to cardiac arrest, ended up in ICU...twice.

Spending the next 250 hours in extreme withdraws where he was not expected to live. Through all the pain and extreme trauma, Kohdi survived and lost over 60 pounds, his ability to walk, and had to begin his second chance at life from less than nothing.

He spend the next 4 years solely dedicated to improving his health with physical fitness, personal and mental growth studies, and a firm commitment to creating a life worth living.

Aside from being a nationally recognized a social media influencer, he's also a multi-syndicated high-ticket program developer with numerous programs helping people take their lives and business to the next level.

He is an anomaly and his inspirational message of empathy, kindness, and compassion has branded him an International Best Selling Author for his contributions to the book "You Can Overcome Anything - Despite The Barriers In Life".